วันอังคารที่ 18 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Folding chicken

Father bantam very beautiful
Meterials required
1. Poster paper colors red, orange, and cream, dark green and light green.
2. Latex adhesive (glue).
3. Eakeigong size 1 cm.
Steps to do
1. Paper cut poster cream is a body one piece folder the dash.
2. Paper cut posterred is a wattle and mouth follow way each 1 piece folded the dash.
3. Paper cut poster the tail is orange inside. Poster paper and cut red the outer tail. Each 2 pieces then use shrp-pointed. Circus cutb the dash to be welded. Fold up and down the tract.
4. Paper cut poster dark green is into wing. And light green is using is outside each 2 pieces using a sharp-pointed. Circus the dash to be welded. Fold up and down the tract.

